Very good morning,
My name is Andrés Guzmán and work with the company BobCAD-CAM, Department of international relations and wanted to thank you for your interest in BobCAD software solutions for your company.
Our goal as a company is to help our customers increase their productivity and completely remove the riddles in the programming of CNC equipment. One of the special features of our software is the decrease of time programming and machining while increasing the quality of work, especially in the part of finishes and details. If you added every hour man, Kws of electricity and wear your CNC equipment that is generated by a poor programming, would be unnecessary realize BOBCAD is paid only.
This version includes the latest technology CNC programming:
Dynamic programming; total control in programming.
Professional machining functions; such as the machining of pencil, advanced roughing and machining of flat surfaces, equally spaced cuts.
Report of machining; Total machining time per operation, material information, list of tools, information about each operation
BobCAD-cam you can perform all your company designs and generate G code to run the machine. However, if a customer had a design in some other CAD program, don't worry, BOBCAD-CAM you can read it and create the G code from almost any CAD program, such as .dxf .iges. DWG. sldprt. All our software is also available in Spanish and we have a library of over 3500 post processors, which are available to our customers for free.
I also want to let them know that we have been engaged in this industry for 28 years and we have been listed as the number 1 in the industry for CNC CAD-CAM software, i.e. sell more CAD-CAM software than any other company in the industry with 350,000 seats sold around the world.
With the tremendous power, functionality, and automation that we included in our system V26, accompanied an affordable price, you can not pass up this opportunity to acquire BobCAD-CAM Software.
For more information or to schedule a free demonstration, please contact me at 001-305-395-3631
• BOBCAD does not charge any type of mandatory maintenance fees.
• BOBCAD delivered for free and for life posprocesadores for all your machines.
• BOBCADCAM provides design, machining, simulate and generate code G, without the need for other programs
• BOBCAD designed their programs to be easy to learn, intuitive and based on images.
• You must learn to use BOBCAD once, with the same interface you can set strawberries, centers of Mec. Plasmas, Lasers, WaterJets, Routers and lathes.
• BOBCAD has developed sets of training video in Spanish, certifications and trainings online.
• BOBCADCAM is compatible with practically all the software CAD and CAM on the market, you can import files in IGES, DXF, DWG, CAD, SAT, 3DM (Rhino), ParaSolidos, SLDPRT (Solidworks), STEP and STL formats.
• Our CAD CAM is a program that is Compatible with any lathe - milling machine that is set with code G
BobCAD-CAM is an American system with years of experience on the market designed to meet the needs of small and large companies in Spanish.
Some of our features:
Our CAD-CAM allows you to design in 2D as in AutoCAD, or 3D as in SolidWorks.
After drawing you can machine directly without the need of other software.
Our system generates the G code ready for your lathe, milling machine, machining, EDM, Laser, Waterjet or numerical Control Plasma.
CAD-CAM has integrated a Virtual simulator of G code that shows the behavior of the tool on the material.
In addition, we have an artistic component to import and vectorize images.
You can import files of the following formats:
IGES, DXF, DWG, CAD, SAT, 3DM (Rhino), ParaSolidos, SLDPRT (Solidwroks), STEP and STL.
Our CAD-CAM is a program that is Compatible with which machine machine that is set with code G
CAD CAM is designed to be a useful, easy-to-learn program and the scope of your needs.
For more information please visit our website
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I am to the waiting for their comments.
Soon I'll be calling him to know his opinion.
Thank you very much for your time
Andres Guzman
New Package
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