Prensa troqueladora KB 8336 400t Pinsk - Several presses

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Prensa troqueladora KB 8336 400t Pinsk
  • Prensa troqueladora KB 8336 400t Pinsk
  • Prensa troqueladora KB 8336 400t Pinsk
Modello: 8336 400t Pinsk KB
Year of construction: 1988
State: good
Location: Russian Federation
Maximum force: 400t
Table dimensions: 500 x 500 mm
Career: 130 mm
Strokes per minute: 50
Distance between the table and the RAM: 375 mm
Regulation of the distance between the table and the RAM: 12 mm
8425 Kg weight
Largo1, 940 m
Wide 1.240 m
2,800 m high
Voltage: 50 Hz, 380 V
Engine power: 12 kW
Press stamping 8336 400t Pinsk KB
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