TORNO kusong - 8A-1500. - Special winches

  • Used
TORNO kusong - 8A-1500.
  • TORNO kusong - 8A-1500.
  • TORNO kusong - 8A-1500.
  • TORNO kusong - 8A-1500.
  • TORNO kusong - 8A-1500.
  • TORNO kusong - 8A-1500.
  • TORNO kusong - 8A-1500.
  • TORNO kusong - 8A-1500.
They are lathes with Bulgarian features European technology.
Brand: Kusong.
Model: 8A-1500.
turn on Base: 550.
turn on neckline: 710.
Distance from Centre: 1500 mm.
Ohusillo: 80 mm.
With mechanical clutch.
Selection of threading lever.
Beam tempered with a hardness of 400 HB DP, Modular, millimeter, inch and wide bed brinnel threads.
Electric motor: 7.5 HP, 220/380 V

Accessories: Chuck Universal Chuck independent fixed bezel and movable swivel and fixed Centre water pump and chip tray.
"For more information send your data (phone, Ruc, address) or call to" phone: Entel 5231918: 998314124/998314126 Claro RPC: 997344628 997344618
Find us at: forges, 201 urb. industrial, Orange Grove - independence
Parallel lathe Universal kusong
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